Need a shaker and scoop? Add it to your shopping cart now.
When you place an order with us, our job is to get your package delivered as quickly as possible. Delivery is via mail carrier or package delivery from various parcel services. Generally, delivery will take place the next working day within the Belelux area between 9:00 and 17:00. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the time of delivery.
Immediately after your order is shipped, you will receive by email a Track & Trace code with which you can easily track your order online. If you are not at home when your order is delivered, the package will be offered again the next day or the package will be delivered to your neighbors. The status of your package is automatically updated in your Track & Trace overview.
If the package cannot be delivered, you will receive a message from the delivery person if you are not home on the first delivery attempt. On this is a “non-home code. This code always begins with the letters KG. Use this code to choose a new delivery time or location on the same day before 10 p.m. If you scan the QR code on the message with your smartphone, it will take you directly to the right page. After two failed delivery attempts, the package will be taken to the nearest pickup location.
If your package is not there by the third day, please contact
Prices listed do not include shipping costs. Shipping costs are:
Countries we ship to* |
Shipping |
Netherlands |
Ordered before 5 p.m., delivered the next day |
Belgium |
Ordered before 5 p.m., delivered the next day |
2-4 business days |
Germany |
Ordered before 5 p.m., delivered the next day |
Spain |
5-7 business days |
France |
5-7 business days |
Austria |
4-7 business days |
* Sometimes processing times at local customs may take longer than expected, which may affect the delivery time.
You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt without giving a reason.
Should you exercise your right of withdrawal, you have another 14 days after cancellation to return your product. You will then be credited the full order amount including shipping costs. Only the cost of return from your home to the online store is at your own expense. This cost is approximately EU 7.50 per parcel, for exact rates please consult your carrier’s website.
If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to the entrepreneur with all delivered accessories and – if reasonably possible – in its original condition and packaging. To exercise this right, please contact us at
We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days of revocation provided the product has been received back in good order.
Excluded from the right of withdrawal is a consumer purchase that involves the delivery of:
– products manufactured according to consumer specifications, which are not prefabricated and are manufactured on the basis of an individual choice or decision made by the consumer, or are clearly intended for a specific person;
– products that spoil quickly or have a limited shelf life;
– products that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and whose seal has been broken after delivery;
On every purchase, as a consumer, you are entitled to the legal provisions regarding warranty. The legal warranty means that the product is or should do what you can reasonably expect it to do.
We care about our products and logically do our best to deliver them in top condition. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that an order breaks down during transport or that something else happens that gives you a warranty claim. Legally, you are required to report the defect to us within two months of discovering it. If the defect is within the warranty, we will arrange for replacement of your product free of charge.
Excluded from the right of withdrawal is a consumer purchase that involves the delivery of:
– products manufactured according to consumer specifications, which are not prefabricated and are manufactured on the basis of an individual choice or decision made by the consumer, or are clearly intended for a specific person;
– products that spoil quickly or have a limited shelf life;
– products that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and whose seal has been broken after delivery.
Did you order the wrong product? Unfortunately, this can happen, nothing wrong! We would like to explain the return procedure step by step.
1. Find the model withdrawal form at the bottom of this page;
2. Contact our customer service team at: so we are already aware;
3. Include the fully completed return form with the package;
4. Write the return address clearly on the box;
5. Package your order well so that it reaches us in good condition;
6. Drop off your payment at a PostNL office, for example;
7. Returns cost approximately 7.50 euros, per package. Don’t forget your means of payment;
8. You will receive a shipping receipt upon delivery of the package, please keep it safe.
Attn: Returns Department Suppleam B.V.
Zaanlogistics B.V.
Westzanerdijk 309G
1507 AH Zaandam
(Complete and return this form only if you wish to revoke the agreement)
Zaanlogistics B.V.
Westzanerdijk 309G
1507 AH Zaandam
– I/We (*) hereby inform(*) you that I/We (*) revoke(*) our contract regarding the sale of the following goods/delivery of the following service (*):
– Ordered on (DD-MM-YYYY) :
– Order Number :
– Received on (DD-MM-YYYY):
– Name(s) of consumer(s)
– Consumer address(es):
– IBAN Account Number:
– Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is submitted on paper)
– Date(DD-MM-YYYY):
(*) Delete what does not apply.
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